Therefore, we are proud of our compliance by operating two (2) cottages with a maximum capacity of 20 children.

The annual operating budget ranges from $1 to $1.5 million. 

  • Government funding (foster care payments) total 69.9% of the annual budget. 
  • Contributions from the General Baptist State Convention and the Woman’s Baptist Home and Foreign Missionary Convention total 17.4%. 
  • Private, Civic, Fraternal, Parrish Endowment and other organizations contribute 8.9%. 
  • Special capital improvement grants and college scholarship contributions equal 3.8% of total revenue.
  • Program Services: 85.8%
  • Management and General Expenses: 11.4%
  • Fundraising/Marketing: 2.8%


For detailed budget information, contact us.

The Central Children’s Home is a private not-for-profit facility, contrary to what some people may have heard. Many people assume that we are a public facility, because at one time, the Governor of North Carolina appointed five citizens to serve on the Board of Directors each political election year to oversee “state funds.” Another reason for the misconception may be our long-standing relationship with the State Foster Care System.

To see a full list of our board and staff members, click here.

Our primary Strategic Planning Objective is fund development via establishing a permanent endowment fund and launching a capital campaign drive. The proceeds from the permanent endowment funds will generate income to maintain these initiatives.

A successful capital campaign drive will provide:

  • Renovation of Shepard Cottage and Cheatham Dining Hall
  • A new multipurpose complex
  • Improvement of campus roadways, paving, and landscaping